
Shinning?? Shinning!!

When I went into JS001 on last thursday.
Something was shinning in the glass.
I even could not open my eye at that time.
   My god ......................what it is ??
After 5 seconds
I opened my eye and  found what was shinning.
A guy with nice Western-style clothes.
( focus on the clothes and forget the guy)
What  nice clothes it is
I do want to have this clothes..............


Why did I choose this course

Digital Media .

Actually I still do not know why I chose this course.

If I must to find some reason .

I like design and computer.

I think this course can cover both of them.

The Future Of Newspaper

The traditional newspaper model was little changed over five hundred years from the year when these were published until recently. What is the future of the newspaper?
 There are two opinions.
1. Although there is a huge potential for growth online, print remains the largest source of revenue generation for newspaper publishers, and will continue to be so for sometimes. [1](PricewaterhouseCoopers http://www.pwc.com/en_GX/gx/entertainmentmedia/pdf/newspaperoutlook2009.pdf   2009)
2. The Newspaper Died
.105 newspaper have been shuttered.
.10.000 news jobs have been lost
.Print and sales fell 30% in Q1’09
[5](Preethi Dunpala    The Year The Newspaper  Died   http://www.businessinsider.com/the-death-of-the-american-newspaper-2009-7       Jul.4 ,2009)
“At least 61 newspapers closed in 2009.”[5] What does this mean? The newspaper died? In my view newspaper has a long-term future and will coexist with other media. Many  people only check the information what they are interesting ,after that , they will miss other news. Newspaper is not only a simple print, it is a platform , it includes all kinds of information .news. advertisement eg. When you read newspaper, you will focus on it over an hour and get everything.
More and more  people use  mobile  and e-book  something else to read the newspaper on line. It growth rapidly. But that growth has not offset the decline in print readership. “Newspapers are easily to earn their reader’s trust and loyalty.”[1] I don’t know somebody else. I trust the newspaper much more than internet. When I read  news from the internet, I will ask myself ,is it true or not? Should I believe it. when I read the newspaper this situation never happened.
Newspaper is not dead. Maybe the content of newspaper will be changed, the type of the newspaper will be changed. But ,I believe , as a very important part of media ,it will continue and exist for long time.

[1]“Moving into multiple business models”     PricewaterhouseCoopers 2009
[2]“The future of newspaper”   Bob Franklin 2010
[3]“Can Newspapers Survive and serve the Public internet”   Alan Rusbridger  2008
[4]“The future of newspaper”   Joe Posnanski   2009
[5]“The Year The Newspaper Died”   Preethi  Dunpala   2009


Arial and Helvetia 1

Arial was designed for Monotype in 1982 by Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders

Helvetia  was designed by  Hass (company) in Germany.Many designers from Stemple and Linotype(company) developed it .At that time the name of project is Neue Hass Grotesk .Helvetia was published in 1960 .
will be continue........


Old Ireland

lovely sunshine
but very cold in the morning

What is Digital Media

Digital media (as opposed to analog media) are usually electronic media that work on digital codes .Today, computing is primarily based on the binary numeral system.  In this case digital refers to the discrete states of "0" and "1" for representing arbitrary data.Computer  are machines that (usually) interpret binary digital data as information and thus represent the predominating class of digital information processing machines. Digital media ("Formats for presenting information" according to Wikitonary media) like digital audio, digital video and other digital content  can be created, referred to and distributed via digital information processing machines. Digital media represents a profound change from previous (analog)media.
Digital data is independent of its interpretation (hence representation). An arbitrary sequence of digital code like "0100 0001" might be interpreted as the decimal number 65, the hexadecimal number 41 or the glyph "A". See also: ACCII, Code.Florida's digital media industry association, Digital Media Alliance Florida, defines digital media as "the creative convergence of digital arts, science, technology and business for human expression, communication, social interaction and education".
There is a rich history of  non-binary  digital media and computers .